
Crémant de Bourgogne – Sélection Frédérique

Our crémant is dressed in a white gold colour. The bubbles are fine and form a delicate pearl necklace. The citrus, floral or mineral aromas of the Crémant de Bourgogne appellation accompany freshness and elegance on the palate with an acidity that allows the balance between the aromatic power and the desired lightness.

Vintage Clear
SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


Grape variety: 40% of Pinot noir, 40% of Chardonnay and 20% of Aligoté


As we do not have the necessary equipment for the vinification of our crémants, we have entrusted this task to the house of Vitteaut Alberti located in the village of Rully, the cradle of the Crémant de Bourgogne

Wine aging

Our crémant has taken its time to reveal all its character after 24 months of maturing (compared to 18 months for a "classic" crémant)


There are no bad times to open a good Crémant!


Between 3 and 5 years

Operating Temperature

Between 4°C and 6°C

Our advice

With time, the aromas evolve towards fruit notes such as apricot and peach!
